Imbeji Trade Fair 2023 Exhibitions In Ilala District

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CRDB Bank Foundation

Article12 min read

The 2023 Imbeju Trade Fair was inaugurated by Honorable Dr. Dorothy Gwajima, the Minister for Social Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups, with the aim of creating more opportunities for women and youth.

This three-day event took place at the Mnazi Mmoja grounds in Dar es Salaam and brought together over 3,000 entrepreneurs from Ilala Municipal, the Dar es Salaam Region, and across Tanzania.

Minister Gwajima, during the trade fair, provided seed capital, which included TZS 250 million in cash, as well as motorcycles and ‘Bajajis,’ to eligible women and youth participants as part of the Imbeju program.

The Minister launched the Trade Fair alongside the CRDB Bank Group CEO, Abdulmajid Nsekela, Chairman of the Board of the CRDB Bank Foundation, Martin Warioba, and the Managing Director of the CRDB Bank Foundation, Tully Esther Mwambapa, together with the Ilala District Commissioner, Edward Mpogolo.


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